More about drawers and a couple of buses
I cut the remaining drawer openings into the bench work. I’ll now have three drawers on the east side and…
Drawers and Lower Fascia
Lower Fascia I started installing the lower 1/8″ hardboard fascia. I had it cut into 6 1/2″ strips at Home Depot,…
Track Plan 36
A little more dramatic redesign. Put’s Franz Bakery in the closet. Terminal 115 out in front of…
Ordered Homabed Roadbed
I’ve wasted nearly a month deliberating roadbed. I thought Lowe’s was going to get me some 1/2″ blue foam, but…
Track Plan 26
Rearranged crossover. Redid code 70 sections. Updated to all Peco turnouts. Drawn with AnyRail
Skyboards, workbench and valance fascia
I tacked in 13″ hardboard skyboards around the layout. I’ll be painting these Polar White. I cut painted and installed…
Supplies Enroute
I’m at a minor standstill while I wait for some supplies… More T4 Slim Fluorescent Lights I’ve ordered more…
West Lighting Complete
West Lighting Complete I finished out the west side lighting by wiring up all of the blue night time LED’s…
West Valance and Desk Complete
West Valance I completed the west valance. Mostly:) It still needs a little touch up paint. The valance fascia is…
Closet, Desk, and Shelves
I’ve been plugging away at finishing the desk and closet. It’s been a good way to stay inside while the…