That Figures

I recently painted a few new figures for The Industrial Lead. 

Three new figures for The Industrial Lead. All from Printle.
Three new figures for The Industrial Lead. All from Printle.

I purchased these 3D printed figures from the Printle Shapeways shop. The figures are small for HO (about 5 foot) so maybe they’ll represent adolescents hanging around the skate park. This is the second order I’ve placed with Printle, the first was for an O scale figure that was way too small for O scale and about 7 feet tall in HO. I beginning to think Printle needs to be more observant of their scaling. They are at the pricier end of the 3D printed figure market and I expect them to at least be properly scaled. So I think I’m done ordering from Printle.

Two Printle Figures: the one on the left is an HO scale 5 feet tall; the one on the right is supposed to be an O scale figure, but is O scale 4 feet or HO scale 7 feet.
A comparison of the previous 2 Printle figures and a 6 foot tall Kato figure on the far right.
A comparison with an O scale figure from MB-Model.

I’ve been mostly happy with the O scale models I’ve ordered fromMB-Model, I’ll have to try their HO scale options.

A few O scale figures from MB-Model.
O scale figure from MB-Model.



Author: Greg Amer

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