This week has been full of short work sessions to get a little done each day and it’s paying off. I was able to make some shrubs, tress, and ballast the Industrial Lead track.
As with everything I do, it’s pretty much a running experiment as I progress. I started making trees by spraying glue, sprinkling with static grass, spraying adhesive again then sprinkling with ground foam. This makes a pretty nice tree. I eventually settled on making trees by spray painting a little khaki on the trunks, spraying adhesive on them sprinkling with Noch leaves. They come out a little more airy that way.
Ballasting the Industrial Lead
I found a bottle of Scenic Express Natural Soil and Dirt at The Electric Train Shop. It was pretty coarse for HO ballast, so I strained it into 3 sizes; fine dirt, HO ballast, & too big for HO.
I used all of the HO suitable ballast on the Industrial Lead. It is was a little off color; the prototype has a large amount of pink rocks, the Scenic Express product was more light brown. I airbrushed the ballast with MIG Shaders Light Clay color to give the ballast a more pinkish hue.