Switch-Works Base Assembly – Video

This video instructs how to assemble the Proto:87 Stores Switch-Works Pro Base. Switch-Works is a set of jigs for assembling “Museum Standard” track featuring wooden ties, metal tie plates, etched frogs and machined points. The Swith-Works Pro Base provides a flat and rigid magnetic clamping surface that is used to hold the track pieces you are working on.

As part of the 4th Div. PNR NMRA Spring MeetAndy Reichert’s Proto:87 Stores was kind enough to lend us some of the Switch-Works tools and provide us with kits for a clinic on how to build the “Ultimate Turnout”.  Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be doing some clinic preparation and as a special thanks to Andy I wanted to put out some videos to help promote Proto:87 Stores products.

Additional asembly instructions available at http://www.proto87.com/building-switch-works.html.

Assembling Switch-Works Base
Assembling Switch-Works Base


Author: Greg Amer

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