Swapping Headblock ties on Peco Code 83 turnouts. Peco Code 83 turnouts come with the headblock ties extending off of the diverging side of the turnout. In this video I show my method for swapping headblock ties so that they extend from the straight side of the turnout.

Hi Greg, I’m just now installing some Pecos and have one site where the headblock is on the ‘wrong’ side. It was really helpful to see how you switched the headblock from one side to the other–not to mention the fact that it takes a lot of the stress away when somebody else goes first. 🙂 Anyway, thanks a million for taking the time to make and post this video. – Shawn Fenn, Washington, DC
***** Update 10/14/2014 *****
Since I’ve made this video, the turnouts I have modified have lost the spring wire tension. While I am not certain that this is caused by the modification or by use, I wanted to append this video with this word of caution:
This modification may cause your spring wire to lose tension.