PNW Free-moN 2012 meet

The PNW Free-moN had there second meet at the Columbia Gorge Model Railroad Club in Portland Oregon on Saturday, October 20th. Myself, Bert Cripe, Mark Clemens, Adam Robbins, Mike Harvey, and our host Doug Auburg attended. We had a total of 8 module which were arranged into a Y shape about 20 feet long. Not a lot, but a lot more than last meet.

We had a little problem getting power to the layout, but it only took about 15 minutes to troubleshoot and correct. I had some problems with my brass BLMA “rubber” crossings. They were causing back to back shorts. I ended up ripping them out and will need to replace the crossing with something non-conductive.

The group is tentatively going to try to meet in March in Portland for the “Meet in March” If you are interested in Free-moN and live in the Pacific Northwest area, join our Yahoo group PNW_Freemo_N.


Author: Greg Amer

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