Roadbed by the sheet.

Since we didn’t buy enough Homabed, Patrick and I went down to Compton Lumber and picked up a sheet of Homasote. I was surprised it only cost $36. We cut it in to three pieces to fit in the van. Patrick wanted to see where Daddy works, so we went down to Stacy Yard to meet some rails and watch a couple trains. On the way home we stopped at The Electric Train Shop. Patrick had a great time playing with the Thomas set, and I scored a couple of nice tool boxes and some quality Excel tweezers.

When we got home, Patrick and I cut the Homasote up and nailed it down to the layout. The Homasote is laid over the east and south sides of the layout. Patrick helped nail the Homasote to the deck. The 1/2″ Homasote meets perfectly with a double stacked layer of 1/4″ Homabed.

Work had to stop when I sliced my finger open with a razor blade. By the way, cutting Homasote with a Razor Blade works great. It wears the blades out QUICK! but razors are cheap, so I just change them out frequently. I use the breakaway razor blades in the $2 cheapo utility knife housings you can pick up at Harbor Freight.


Author: Greg Amer

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