I’ve been plugging away at finishing the desk and closet. It’s been a good way to stay inside while the weather has been rainy.
- The big chore was wiring the closet raceways.
- After wiring I added the lighting; a closet light (for low level lighting while using the computer); day lights; and night lights.
- I added shelves below the desk. They are mounted on angle brackets. I still need to add edge tape to the front of the shelves. The shelves will store magazines, railroad books and miscellaneous computer stuff.
- I drilled a hole for computer wires to go from above the desk to below the desk. Mounted a power supply below the desk.
- I mounted a shelf bracket to the east side of the layout deck. This forces the layout deck back to level.
- I also cut a larger hole from the main layout to the closet.
I still need to cut, paint and install a back board around the desk. And I still need to make some minor touch ups. But the desk area is mostly complete and I think I can move my computer back into the closet and get rid of this crappy old desk I’ve been using.
Desk Complete