Scale Down to Scale Up


It’s hard to let go of a dream. I abandoned my partially completed N Scale Halland Yard layout in November 2010, but I’ve been hanging on to the remnants every since. Hundreds of cars and buildings and electronics that will probably never be used by me again.

I’ve told myself to clear away all the unused model train stuff before I get started building the new layout.  I need to scale down to scale up.

So in the past two weeks I’ve completed 165 eBay auctions, mostly N-Scale or DCC items. I made about $1700. I have more items to list, but I want to wait for a free listing day or until next month when I can list another 50 items for free. In the interim I plan on listing more items on this site and other off-eBay sites.

As for N scale, I am still going to participate with my N-Scale club. For the foreseeable future that will be limited to my O’Brien oNeTrak module and the associated locos and rolling stock. I’m also keeping the pricey and rare N building kits I’ve acquired (in case I ever build my N-Trak module) but I’m completely liquidating everything else from any era before the current era. I’m also getting rid of all the mish-mash hodge-podge stuff I was going to someday transform in to this or that.

I’m also liquidating a few HO items I have that won’t fit with The Industrial Lead layout.

This process has been very liberating. I am no longer beholden to the stuff I bought years ago to suit a purpose I no longer desire. Now I can focus on Now.



Author: Greg Amer

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