Track Plan Updates
- Moved Franz Bakery to the west side.
- Moved the yard to the west side.
- Rearranged Cargill turnout.
- Rerranged PCC turnout.
- Added a smll runaround.
- Added industry Seaport Steel.
- Added industry Terinal 115
- Moved all shelves in to 18″ or 16″.
- Eliminated Seattle Pottery.
Instead of detailing each iteration of the track plan, I’ve skipped ahead to Track Plan #13. This does stray some from the prototype track arrangements, but I think it’s as honest as can be given the space and desired industries.
I’ve added a runaround and two additional industries to make it more challenging. Seaport Steel is located on the South Leg of the West Seattle WYE. It takes falt cars with steel plates and shapes. Terminal 115 is located in West Seattle, at the end of the Avenue. It takes a lot of random specialty loads; including flat cars with machinery, flat cars with pipes.
I’ve decided it’d be best to keep the shelves under 18″. I had planned on modelling Seattle Pottery on the North side of the Hole tracks, but I decided it would be difficult to couple and uncouple cars with this building in the way. I still have PCC logistics in front of the tracks, but I think I’m willing to live with the difficulty of coupling and uncoupling here, because I ‘ll be mostly pulling and spotting the entire track at once.
I’ve moved the yard so it is next to Seattle lighting and moved the Odom Lead to function as an actual lead track. I think this arrangement gives me the optimum storage space and switching realism. In real life there is no yard and the Odom Lead is adjacent to Seattle Lighting and stubs out at Hanford Street.
Nice stuff Greg, I’m impressed! Cool website too. Look forward to more and to meeting you. M
Thanks Michael. I’m still working on the website. I still need to add a links section and a link to your Ranier Great Western. Looking forward seeing it in person.
Thanks again,
I’d come over and switch the Hole any time! It’s a fun switching puzzle. If I was ever to model in HO again, or build a module in g gauge I would do the hole. It’s so simple, but yet so complex.
So it sounds like you are make select scenes. If you arranged it right, it could almost be separate industries, separate scenes.
Thanks Craig,
I started out thinking I’d go strict prototype with just The Hole, but realized I wanted a more variety, so I decided to select the industries I’d like to model.
My plans for just The Hole are about 35 feet long. I’d still like to do as a module. This is actually something I’ve had several people suggest.
Take care,
Personally I think you should keep the prototypical arrangement as much as possible. Or are you trying to model select scenes, and trying for figure out how they work the best together? Looks like a good start.
I’ve always thought that the hole would make a great switching puzzle!