Let’s lay some roadbed

I’ve been sitting on my stash of Homabed for almost a month and I’ve finally decided it’s time to start laying it in. The installation will use 2 or 3 layers of Homabed depending on where it is being installed. The north section is 3/4″ thick (3 layers Homabed), a transition is made from 3/4″ to 1/2″ along the west side and the south and east side are all 1/2″ thick. I’m stacking 45° beveled Homabed on top of non-beveled Homabed with a few sheets of of plain Homabed thrown in.  Unfortunately my order was a little lite and I’ll need to get a little more. I’ll probably order a couple sheets and maybe some more of the non-beveled.


Author: Greg Amer

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